Search Engine Optimisation is the act of analyzing and editing your website to increase ranking on search engines. It aims at improving the website’s position on the search engine and results pages on various sites such as Google, Yahoo or Bing. The main benefit of having an SEO strategy in place is to get your website to the top position on the search engine result pages. With analytics and reporting tools there is a definite increase in traffic. SEO maximizes the value of your marketing efforts and delivers quick results, offering significant SEO benefits to your business.
As soon as the SEO efforts begin, traffic increases at a steady rate. It also helps to grow your sales and revenue. The search engines goal is to provide unbiased results that give the results all information you are looking for as instantly and correctly as possible. They collect all the information provided online and rank them according to their quality and relevance.
There are many factors involved when search engines rank websites in organic search. The SEO rankings are directly affected by actions taken by you to optimise your website. There are many things that you can leverage to boost Your ranking such as, H1 tags, the words used in your site; meta description, content and keyword density; permalinks and backlinks. Let us know how these components are used to enhance your website rankings:
H1 tags:- H1 tags are the larger headers used to give an appropriate title to the content. It is the most important heading because it is the highest level tag that shows what your page is specifically about. The tag is stressed more than other headings since it improves your search engine rankings.
Keyword density:- keyword density tells you how often a search term appears in a content vis a vis the total number of words it contains. For instance, let’s assume a Keyword appears three times in 100 words the keyword density would be 3%. Without the right keywords, the SEO has no foundation or meaning. Being watchful about your keyword frequency can transmit a signal to the search engines that your article is all about the particular topic being searched.
Meta description:- meta description is an attribute within your meta tag which helps describe your page to search engines. It is an HTML element, 160 characters long, which defines and summarises the contents of your page to search engines. Click-Through rate of your organic search results can rise with the help of a meta description that’s compelling. The ones who see your page in the search result will click through and land on your page.
Permalinks:- a permalink is a URL for your website. Search engines use permalinks to find your website pages online, while people can simply take the permalinks and share them into the browser to visit one of your pages. Including your keywords in these permalinks to be considered for higher ranking in Google proves to be an advantage.
Backlinks:- a backlink is also called an inbound link which is created when one website links to another. It is so named because it points back to the linked to the page. Backlinks to your website are a signal to search engines that others vouch for your content. If many sites link to the same website or web page, the search engine concludes that the content is worth linking to, and therefore also worth surfacing on a SERP. So earning these backlinks have a positive effect on the website’s ranking position.
SERP’s on desktop vs. mobile :- Smart phones and Tablets have entirely disrupted and forever altered what was once a fairly linear buyer’s journey. Each user’s most likely intent is deciphered by Google through micro-moments which have their impact on how the SERP has constructed and the type of content that appears. These days, site developers must recognize how the users interact in these micro-moments and how their intent differs between mobile and desktop. Only then one can be assured that the content created matches both the intent and the device. The content on your website should read easily or play smoothly on mobile devices. Users should be able to easily and large any image provided if they want to see it in detail. Users preferred their mobile devices at increasing rates, which means that brands need websites and marketing strategies which keep up with the current scenario.
SEO strategy for long-term:- Studies have proven that compared to traditional forms of advertising such as snail mail, radio commercials, and television, top placement in search engines usually provide a more favorable return on investment. To earn top 10 search engine placement, SEO or Search engine optimization is the required primary method. The SEO strategy needs to be a continuous process. Proper SEO strategy goes a long way for the betterment of the business. SEO helps the customers to look up to your business in the best possible way. Proper SEO helps to show the best possible features of your business through the information provided.