When you have an online business, your webpage becomes your shop to display your products and services. So you can understand how essential it is to have a robust web development system to attract customers. Initially, you may get confused about where to start. You may find several web development platforms and still not get satisfied with them.
It sounds so tricky. You don’t have to worry at all! We have the top 5 web development platforms for you. They are easy to use and efficient. You would love to build your eye-appealing and systematic websites with them. The most favourable part is that you do not need to have high technical skills for it!
Adobe Dream Weaver
Adobe dream weaver is the most trusted software for designing web pages. This software provides a WYSIWYG meaning What You See Is What You Get interface for creating and editing web pages. They are well-featured and contain many markup languages such as HTML, XML, CSS, and JavaScript.
It has got fast and flexible coding. It helps to speed up the development of the website.
Adobe dream weaver uses responsive web pages and has a dynamic display on every device.
It offers an adaptive grid.
So all these features make it easy to use and very efficient!
Word Press
Word press is essentially a blogging platform in PHP language. It helps you to build your website on your server with PHP/My SQL database.
You can easily manage your website’s content with it. You can also make changes to your old browser.
There are no limits to the number of pages that you can add. You can have as many as posts you want without restrictions.
It has integrated news and blog posting so that you can edit them and handle them more easily.
It enables scheduled posts, which means you can keep your content as a draft, and they will get posted without your reminder. It makes your task so much easier!
Also, you can retrieve back your deleted contents but not after deleting them permanently. It has got so many advantages that you must give it a try!
Another effective webpage development platform is Mockplus. You have it all in a single platform! It is easy to use, as easy as just dragging and dropping! It also supports mobile and desktop prototyping.
Mockplus offers a set of ready-made components for your rapid prototyping. It offers many features to improve the design of your webpage. It also provides features to make repetitive web pages like a repeater, Auto Data Fill, Format Painter and Paste Style.
It offers features like The MindMap and UI Flow design mode to view the design ideas and layout project structure.
Macaws help you to create breakpoints easily. Once created, you can change all its features easily, like colour, border visibility and so on.
It has got flexible, responsive grids. Designing grids help to maintain readability and organisation in a design.
In most graphics applications, a document uses one grid, but in Macaw, you can change it at the breakpoints.
Macaw offers a local preview server and auto refresh. You can also save your designs in the library for later use. So it indeed has all the features to make your task simpler!
Weebly is the best platform to build a free website. So you can try it out without spending any fortune!
It is also a pocket-friendly app. It offers premium packages having much lower prices than its competitors, providing the best features.
It also offers friendly SEO guides in the support centre. They can help you with coding, keyword optimisation, and tips on boosting your site’s ranking.
This web development software is efficient and user-friendly. You can use them, even if you are a beginner. You can even get constant support through their 24*7 customer care service. So just get started and build your dream website with just some clicks!